ACE's are some of the most intensive and frequently occurring sources of stress that children may suffer early in life. These experiences include multiple types of negative experiences:
- Neglect
- Domestic, Sexual and psychological abuse within the familial setting
- Household dysfunction such as alcohol and substance abuse
- A family member in prison
- Divorce or death
In addition to the ACE's included there are other factors that impact development within children.
- Peer, community and collective trauma
- Immigration
- Bullying
Such experiences in a child’s life has long term consequences for their health and well-being. It can disrupt early brain development and compromise functioning of the nervous and immune systems. Adding to this, behaviours adopted by some people who have faced ACE's, such trauma can lead to serious problems such as alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, unsafe sex, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases. ACEs refer to some of the most intensive and frequently occurring sources of stress that children may suffer early in life.
By focusing on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and using trauma intervention to help alleviate ACEs, is not only reactive to a global issue but proactively minimising ACEs being passed down generationally. Trauma intervention works due to tackling any issues at the root cause, and any destructive effects of these issues’. With 84% of mental health clients in the UK having a history of trauma (Meuser et al, 2004) shows how prevalent and necessary trauma interventions have become. These interventions will be effective in minimising stress on the UK Health System by way of reducing repeat patients as well as reducing the same issues being passed down through generations. We apply these expertise in customised trauma informed awareness training for staff who work with complex clients. The same staff then receive a minimum of twelve weeks clinical supervision (Staff Debriefs) to allow for continued trauma informed support, maximising client success and staff retention.
Trauma and ACE’s intertwine and exasperate each other. Most developmental traumas are born from ACEs and amplify the need to address these hand in hand. To help alleviate the stress caused by this loop we offer a range of services which can help you or your patients regain control over their life. ACEs has a huge impact on services, people who show 4+ signs of ACEs compared to those with no ACEs affect the following:
- 2.1x more likely to have visited their GP in the last 12 months
- 2.2x more likely to have visited A&E in the last 12 months
- 2.3x more likely to have more than ten teeth removed
- 2.5x more likely to have stayed a night in hospital
- 6.6x more likely to have been diagnosed with an STD
- 64% of those in contact with substance misuse services had 4+ ACEs
- 50% of homeless people had 4+ ACEs